Introduction of Moodle Learning Management System and Panopto Lecture Capture System (for students)
Moodle is the centrally managed learning management system (LMS) at HKU. At the beginning of each academic year, new Moodle courses will be created based on the course information as registered in the Student Information System (SIS). Moodle courses are accessible through the “My eLearning tab” of HKU Portal by students. The system facilitates students participating in online interactive learning activities, collaborating with peers and communicating with teachers.
The ITS Lecture Capture Services (LCS) is powered by Panopto video capture system. Panopto supports students to do video recording, playing back, video management, editing, sharing, and inside-video search. Students can apply Panopto account to start their recordings in study rooms of the Learning Commons and even at home.
After attending this introductory session, students will understand the basics of HKU Moodle, how to use Moodle to obtain class materials, submit assignments and communicate with others in the class. Attendee will also learn the fundamentals of Panopto, how to install the Panopto recorder software on a laptop, how to capture a video presentation with a combination of multiple video/audio sources and PowerPoint, and how to share the videos with others.
- Registration: https://hkuems1.hku.hk/hkuems/ec_hdetail.aspx?ueid=85742
- Language: English
- Training Material: https://its.hku.hk/download/?wpdmdl=44053