Onboarding Training for Using Central IT Services for New Staff (Cantonese Session)
The second semester of academic year 2021-22 will commence on 17 January 2022. We are conducting two onboarding training sessions on 13 January 2022 (Thursday) and 14 January 2022 (Friday) to introduce the “Need-to-Know” IT services such as HKU Portal, email, network, right/ proxy application to new staff. A brief introduction to the commonly used online tools such as Moodle, Student Information System (SIS) and Class Planner together with the central classroom facilities will also be covered. Participants will be able to learn their basic functions to facilitate their daily teaching and works.
All new University members are welcome to join.
- Registration: https://hkuems1.hku.hk/hkuems/ec_hdetail.aspx?ueid=79782
- Language: Cantonese
- Training Material: https://its.hku.hk/download/?wpdmdl=36652