Training on Conducting Virtual Events and Event Management
Different departments are organizing events such as seminars, conferences, ceremonies and trainings every day. This training session is targeting event organizers, to let them know the readily available solutions that can help them in event management such as event announcement, registration, fee payment, online event broadcast, attendance taking, etc.
The agenda includes:
1 HKU Event Management System
2 Zoom Webinar and Zoom Events
3 Microsoft Teams webinar
4 Live broadcast and streaming to YouTube/Facebook
5 Attendance@HKU app
6 Use of central classrooms
7 Equipment on loan and event support services
All staff are welcome to join to get the knowhows in using these tools.
- Registration: https://hkuems1.hku.hk/hkuems/ec_hdetail.aspx?ueid=79912
- Language: Cantonese
- Training Material: https://its.hku.hk/download/?wpdmdl=38693