For SharePoint administrator – User Guide on Managing document library

Quick Links

1.Create or delete a library

1.1 Create a library

  1. Navigate to the site where you want to create the library.
  2. Go to the Site Contents.
  3. Site content
  4. Click on add an app.
  5. Add an app
  6. Click on Document Library.
  7. Click document library
  8. Click on Advanced Options.
  9. Select advance options
    The name appears at the top of the library page, becomes part of the address for the library page, and appears in navigational elements that help users to find and open the library.
  10. In the Description box, type a description of the purpose of the library. The description is optional.
  11. Enter description for the library
  12. To create a version each time a file is checked into the library, in the Document Version History section, click Yes.
    You can later choose whether you want to store both major and minor versions and how many versions of each you want to track.
  13. For some libraries, a Document Template section may be available, which lists the default programs for creating new files. In the Document Template section, in the drop-down list, click the type of default file that you want to be used as a template for files that are created in the library.
  14. Click Create.

1.2 Delete a library

Important:  When you delete a library, you also delete documents, metadata about the documents, version history, library settings and specific permission levels that are associated with the library. Before deleting a library, you should make sure that no one is currently using the library and that no one is going to need the documents. You should also ensure that you understand your organization’s process and policies for deleting libraries, which may restrict the permission to delete libraries.

  1. Click the name of the library on the Quick Launch, or click the gear icon, click Site contents, and then under lists, libraries and other apps, click the name of the library. Note: A SharePoint site can be significantly modified in appearance and navigation. If you cannot locate an option, such as a command, button, or link, contact your administrator.
  2. Click the Library tab, and then in the Settings group, click Library Settings.
  3. Library tab
  4. Review the Web Address to make sure you are going to delete the correct library.
  5. Under Permissions and Management, click Delete this <library type> library.
  6. Permission management
  7. When you are prompted to confirm the deletion, click OK if you are sure that you want to delete the library.

For details, please refer here.

2.Enable and configure versioning for a library

2.1 Enable versioning in a library

  1. Navigate to the library you plan to work in. If the library name does not appear in the Quick Launch pane, click Site contents, and then select the name of your library.
  2. Click the Library tab, and then in the Settings group, click Library Settings.
  3. Library tab and library settings
  4. On the Library Settings page, under General Settings, click Versioning settings. The Versioning Settings page opens.
  5. Versioning settings
  6. In the Document Version History section, select one of the following options:
    • Create major versions – If you select this, you can set a limit to the number of major versions.
    • Create major and minor (draft) versions – If you select this, you can set a limit to both the number of major versions and the number of versions for which you want to retain drafts.
    • Document version history
  7. Optional: Limit the number of versions you want to retain.
    • Select the Keep the following number of major versions check box if you want to limit the number of versions that are retained in your library. Otherwise, do not select it. In the box immediately below the check box, enter the number of versions you want to retain.
    • Select the Keep drafts for the following number of major versions check box if you want to limit the number of drafts you retain. This option is available only when the Create major and minor (draft) versions option is selected. In the box immediately below the check box, enter the number of versions for which you want to keep drafts.
  8. Optional: Determine which users should be allowed to see draft items in the document library. In the Draft Item Security section, select one of the following.
    • Any user who can read items. Select this to allow access to anyone who has Read permissions to the site. This option is available when Create major and minor (draft) versions is selected in the Document Version History section.
    • Only users who can edit items. Select this to restrict the view of drafts to those who have permissions to edit. This option is available when Create major and minor (draft) versions is selected in the Document Version History section.
    • Only users who can approve items (and the author of the item). Select this to restrict the view to only the original author of the item and those who have permissions to approve items in the library. This option is available when the Content Approval section is set to Yes.
    • Content approval
  9. Optional: Determine whether you want to require check out in this library. The default is to not require it. If you want to change the default, select Yes in the Require Check Out section.
  10. Click OK to close the dialog box and return to the Document Library Settings page.

2.2 Remove versioning from a library

You may determine, after a while, that versioning is not necessary for your library. If you have Full Control or Design permissions, you can remove versioning from the library.

  1. Navigate to the library you plan to work in. If the library name does not appear in the Quick Launch pane, click Site contents, and then select the name of your library.
  2. Click the Library tab, and then in the Settings group, click Library Settings.
  3. Library tab, library settings
  4. On the Library Settings page, under General Settings, click Versioning settings.
  5. Versioning settings
  6. In the Document Version History section of the Versioning Settings dialog box, select No Versioning. This removes any entries you previously created in this section.
  7. Version history
  8. Click OK and return to the Document Library Settings page.

3.Restore or delete a previous version of an item or filein document library

3.1 Restore a previous version

If you prefer an older version of an item or file, you can select the older version and “restore” it so that it becomes the current version.

  1. Navigate to the list or library where your item or file is located.
  2. Click the … beside the item or file for which you want to manage.
  3. Hover the version you want to restore
  4. Click the … of the pop-up and select Version History.
  5. Click the ellipsis for more option
  6. Hover over the version that you want to restore until you see a drop-down arrow.
  7. Select version history
  8. Click the drop-down arrow and select Restore.
  9. Click the dropdown and select restore
  10. When you are prompted to confirm the restoration as your current version, click OK.

3.2 Delete a previous version

If you want to make sure that no one can read a version that has inaccurate or otherwise troublesome information, you can delete it.

  1. Navigate to the list or library where your item or file is located.
  2. Click the … beside the item or file for which you want to manage.
  3. Select ellipsis for more option
  4. Click the … of the pop-up and select Version History.
  5. Select version history from the popup
  6. Hover over the version that you want to delete until you see a drop-down arrow.
  7. hover the item you would like to modify
  8. Click the drop-down arrow and select Delete.
  9. Select delete
  10. When you are prompted to confirm the deletion, click OK.
  11. Confirm delete
  12. When you delete a version, it is sent to the Recycle Bin, where you, or another person who has the necessary permissions, can recover it. If you do not see the Recycle Bin on your site, your server administrator might have disabled it.

3.3 Delete all previous versions

When you delete all previous versions of list items or files, all versions except the current version are sent to the Recycle Bin. If you delete versions in a library that tracks both major and minor versions, and your current version is a minor version, the last published major version is also kept.

  1. Navigate to the list or library where your item or file is located.
  2. Click the … beside the item or file for which you want to manage.
  3. Click the … of the pop-up and select Version History.
  4. At the top of the dialog box, click Delete All Versions.
  5. Delete all versions
  6. When you are prompted to confirm the deletion, click OK.
For details, please refer here

4.Turn on support for multiple content types in a list or library

Most libraries and lists can contain multiple content types. By defining multiple content types for a list or library, you can make it easy to build libraries or lists that store different types of documents together in one place. For example, a library can contain both the documents and the graphics related to a project. In the library, the graphic files are listed with the columns of information assigned to the graphics content type and the documents are listed with the columns assigned to the document content type. By using the document library New command, authors can create new items of either content type.

4.1 Turn on multiple content types in a library

  1. Open the library for which you want to enable multiple content types.
  2. On the ribbon, under Library Tools, click the Library tab
  3. Library tab
  4. In the Settings group, click Library settings.
  5. Library settings
  6. In the General Settings section, select Advanced Settings.
  7. Advance settings
  8. In the Content Types section, click Yes under Allow management of content types?
  9. Allow management of content types
  10. Change any other settings that you want, and then click OK.

4.2 Turn on multiple content types in a list

  1. Open the list or calendar for which you want to enable multiple content types.
  2. On the ribbon, under List Tools, click the List tab.
  3. List tab
  4. In the Settings group, click List settings.
  5. List settings
  6. In the General Settings section, select Advanced Settings.
  7. Advance settings
  8. In the Content Types section, click Yes under Allow management of content types?
  9. Allow management of content types
  10. Change any other settings that you want, and then click OK.

For details, please refer here

5.Show or hide the tree view for site navigation

The tree view is a navigation option that provides a hierarchical view of the lists, libraries, and subsites of the current site. The tree view is displayed to the side of most pages of the site, below the Quick Launch. The tree view is disabled by default.
Following is an example of the tree view.

tree view
  1. In the top right corner, click the gear icon and select Site settings in the drop-down menu.
  2. Site settings
  3. In the Look and Feel section, click Tree view.
  4. Look and feel
  5. Do one of the following:
    – To show the tree view, select Enable Tree View, and then click OK.
    – To hide the tree view, clear Enable Tree View, and then click OK.
  6. Site setting - tree view

6.Create, change, or delete a column in a list or library

Columns help you group, categorize, and track information, such as the department name or project number. From a browser, you have many options for the type of column that you create. They include columns such as, a single line of text, a drop-down list of options,anumber that is calculated from other columns, or even the name and picture of a person on your site.

6.1 Create a column in a list or library 

The following procedure starts from the list or library page to which you want to add the column. If the list or library is not already open, click its name on the Quick Launch. If the name of your list or library does not appear, click Site Content, and then click the name of your list or library.

  1. In the ribbon, click the List or Library tab. The name of the tab may vary depending on the type of list or library. For example, if your list is a calendar, the name of the tab is Calendar.
  2. In the Manage Views group, click Create Column.
  3. In the Create Column dialog box,
  4. Create column

    In the Name and Type section, type the name that you want for the column in the Column name box.
    Under The type of information in this column is, select the type of information that you want to appear in the column.
    Note: Depending on the type of column that you select, you may be unable to change the type of column after you create it.

  5. In the Additional Column Settings section, type a description in the Description box to help people understand the purpose of the column and what data it should contain. This description is optional.
    Depending on the type of column that you selected, more options may appear in the Additional Column Settings section. Select the additional settings that you want.
  6. Additional column settings
  7. To add the column to the default view, which people on your site automatically see when they first open a list or library, make sure that Add to all content types is selected.
    If you want the data in the column validated, in the Column Validation section, type the Formula that you want to use to validate the data, and type the User message that you want to provide users to help them type valid data. The Column Validation section is not available for all types of columns.
  8. Column validation
  9. Click OK.

6.2 Add a site column to a list or library

  1. If the list or library is not already open, click its name on the Quick Launch.
    If the name of your list or library does not appear, click Site Content, and then click the name of your list or library.
  2. In the ribbon, click the List or Library tab. The name of the tab may vary depending on the type of list or library. For example, if your list is a calendar, the name of the tab is Calendar.
  3. In the Settings group, click List Settings or Library Settings.
  4. Library settings
  5. On the List Settings or Library Settings page, in the Columns section, click Add from existing site columns.
  6. Add from existing site columns
  7. On the Columns from Site Columns page, in the Select Columns section, select Available site columns, and then click Add. When you select a column in Available site columns, the group the column is in and a description are displayed if available.
  8. Available site columns
  9. To add the column to the default view, which people on your site automatically see when they first open a list or library, make sure Add to default view is selected. Depending on the type list or library, there may be more settings in the Options section. Select the additional options that you want.
  10. Click OK.

6.3 Change the settings for a column in a list or library

You can change the settings for a column, such as the name of the column. Depending on the type of column and the type of list, you can make additional changes, such as how much text a user can enter.

  1. If the list or library is not already open, click its name on the Quick Launch.
    If the name of your list or library does not appear, click Site Content, and then click the name of your list or library.
  2. In the Ribbon, click the List or Library tab. The name of the tab may vary depending on the type of list or library. For example, if your list is a calendar, the name of the tab is Calendar.
  3. In the Settings group, click List Settings or Library Settings.
  4. Library settings
  5. On the List Settings or Library Settings page, in the Columns section, click the name of the column that you want to change.
  6. click the name of the column that you want to change
  7. Change the settings that you want, and then click OK.
  8. Click ok to confirm the changes

6.4 Delete a column from a list or library

Important: This procedure deletes the column and any data in the column. You cannot restore the column from the Recycle Bin.

  1. If the list or library is not already open, click its name on the Quick Launch. If the name of your list or library does not appear, click Site Content, and then click the name of your list or library.
  2. In the Ribbon, click the List or Library tab. The name of the tab may vary depending on the type of list or library. For example, if your list is a calendar, the name of the tab is Calendar.
  3. In the Settings group, click List Settings or Library Settings.
  4. Library settings
  5. On the List Settings or Library Settings page, in the Columns section, click the name of the column that you want to delete.
  6. click the name of the column that you want to delete
  7. Scroll to the bottom of the Change Column page and then click Delete.
    Note: Lists and libraries contain required columns that cannot be deleted, such as the Title or Name. If the column cannot be deleted, the Delete button is not available. If you cannot delete a column, but you do not want the column to appear in a view, you can remove it from the view.
  8. When prompted, click OK.

7.Manage the Recycle Bin of a site

As a site collection administrator, you can view and manage deleted items across a site collection from the Site Collection Administration Recycle Bin page. From this page, you can view items that are currently in a user’s Recycle Bin and items that a user has deleted from his or her Recycle Bin, sending the items to the second stage Recycle Bin also known as the Site Collection Recycle Bin.

Users who delete an item in the Recycle Bin can contact you to restore the item back to its original location as long as the item hasn’t exceeded the original deleted date that the server administrator set. Items in the Recycle Bin are deleted automatically after 30 days.

recycle bin
  1. A user deletes a document from a document library.
  2. The document is moved to the Recycle Bin for the site, the user or a site collection administrator can restore it or delete it.
  3. recycle bin
  4. If the file is deleted from the site Recycle Bin, it is sent to the Site Collection Recycle Bin, where a site collection administrator can restore it or delete it permanently.
    The Site Collection Recycle Bin gives the administrator of a site collection greater control over deleted items by providing a second stage safety net before an item is permanently deleted from a site. When you delete an item from your Recycle Bin, the item is sent to a second stage Recycle Bin (also known as the Site Collection Recycle Bin) that the administrator of the site collection manages.
  5. Site Collection Recycle Bin

7.1 View items from the Site Collection Administration Recycle Bin page

As a site collection administrator, you can use the Site Collection Administration Recycle Bin to view, delete, and restore items deleted by other users. If you do not see the Recycle Bin on your site, it could have been disabled by the server administrator.

  1. Click Recycle Bin in the Site Contents to view your own items in the Recycle Bin.
  2. To view all items from the Site Collection Administration Recycle Bin page, click the Recycle Bin link under the Site Settings > Site Collection Administration. 
  3. Site setting

7.2 Delete an item by using the Site Collection Recycle Bin page

By default, items that users delete are sent to the Recycle Bin. As a site collection administrator, you can view those items in the End user Recycle Bin items view on the Site Collection Administration Recycle Bin page. When a user deletes an item from the Recycle Bin, it is sent to the Site Collection Recycle Bin. As a site collection administrator, you can view those items in the Deleted from end user Recycle Bin view.

When you delete an item from the Site Collection Recycle Bin, it is permanently deleted from the site.
  1. Click Recycle Bin in the Site Contents to view your own items in the Recycle Bin.
  2. To view all items from the Site Collection Administration Recycle Bin page, click the Recycle Bin link under the Site Settings > Site Collection Administration. 
  3. Do one of the following:
    • To view items in the end user Recycle Bin, click the End user Recycle Bin items view.
    • End user Recycle Bin items view
    • ·To view items in the Site Collection Recycle Bin, click the Deleted from end user Recycle Bin view.
    • Deleted from end user Recycle Bin view
  4. Select the check box next to the item you want to delete.
  5. Click Delete Selection.

7.3 Restore an item by using the Site Collection Recycle Bin page

As a site collection administrator, users who delete an item in the Recycle Bin can contact you to restore the item back to its original location, as long as the item hasn’t exceeded the original deleted date that the server administrator set. By default, items in the Recycle Bin are deleted automatically after 30 days.

  1. Click Recycle Bin in the Site Contents to view your own items in the Recycle Bin.
  2. To view all items from the Site Collection Administration Recycle Bin page, click the Recycle Bin link under the Site Settings > Site Collection Administration. 
  3. Do one of the following:
    • To restore items in the end user Recycle Bin, click the End user Recycle Bin items view.
    • End user Recycle Bin items view
    • To restore items in the Site Collection Recycle Bin, click the Deleted from end user Recycle Bin view.
    • Deleted from end user Recycle Bin view
  4. Select the check box next to the item you want to restore.
  5. Click Restore Selection.
    If you restore an item that was originally located in a deleted folder, the folder is recreated in its original location and the item is restored in that folder.

8. How to add a document link in SharePoint?

  1. Allow management of content types.
    1. Select the document library say “Shared Documents”.
    2. Click “Library” > “Library Settings”
    3. Click “Advanced settings”
    4. Select “Yes” for allow management of content types > OK
  2. Add “Link to a Document” content type to the document library.
    1. Click “Add from existing site content types”
    2. content types
    3. Select “Link to a Document” > click “Add >” > OK
    4. Add content types
  3. Copy the document link of the file you want to create ashotcut.
    1. Click … beside the file to display the pop-up.
    2. Click the text box to select the document shortcut and then right click to select “Copy”.
    3. Copy document link
  4. Create the “Link to a Document”.
    1. Go to the destination document library/folder say “Documents > Test”.
    2. Click “FILES” > “New Document” > “Link to a Document”
    3. Link to document
    4. Input the Document Name > paste the document shortcut into the Document URL > OK.
    5. Enter document name
    6. Then, a link to a document is created.
    7. Create

9. Create custom view for checked out files.

  1. Navigate to the document library, click  select Create View.
  2. Create view
  3. In the Vew Type page, choose Standard View.
  4. View type page
  5. In the Create View page, enter the name of the view.
  6. Enter the name of the view
  7. Under Columns, check the Checked Out To box.
  8. Check out to box
  9. Under Sort, Select Modified for first sort.
  10. Filter Modified
  11. Under Filter, show the items when column, select Checked Out To and then select is not equal to. Leave the textbox empty.
  12. Check out to
  13. Under Folders, select Show all items without folders.
  14. Show all items without folders
  15. Click the OK button at the bottom of the page.
  16. The newly created Checked out files view shows the checked out files only.
  17. Check out files