OLEX FAQ-For Students

Yes. There is a Drill Online Exam Platform for students. Students are strongly recommended to try at least ONCE before the mock and actual examination. For details, please refer to the user guide

You are required to register on OLEX (the actual platform at https://olex.hku.hk/exam/register.html) at least two weeks before the mock examination; otherwise, you will not be able to access the OLEX mock or actual examination platform.

Yes. Online invigilation will be implemented via Zoom meetings for all examinations on OLEX. Students should join the two Zoom meetings arranged for each of their exam sessions, and shall observe the HKU guidelines as well as the examiner’s instructions (e.g. how to set up the webcam for the Zoom meeting, etc.)

For the Invigilation Session– Yes. The Invigilation Session Zoom meeting where all participating students of the same zoom group and the invigilator join will be recorded by the Invigilator by using Panopto. The recording will be treated as strictly confidential and destroyed 60 calendar days after the announcement of final course results or when any relevant investigation is completed or any relevant dispute is resolved, whichever is the later. Please read the document Handling of the Online Exam Proctoring Recordings for how these recordings are handled

For the student PC Desktop-sharing Session– Yes. The student must record his/her desktop Zoom meeting before the start of the exam session. The student must keep the recording on their Google Drive or OneDrive and destroyed 60 calendar days after the announcement of final course results or when any relevant investigation is completed or any relevant dispute is resolved, whichever is the later. Please read the document Handling of the Online Exam Proctoring Recordings for how these recordings are handled.

Students should log into OLEX and join the two Zoom meetings (see Question 4) 30 minutes before the scheduled start time of the exam session. Prior to joining the Zoom meetings, they will be asked to consent to the recording of the Zoom meetings. They should type their full name (i.e. the name which appears on the University ID card or Moodle Guest Account) as their display name in Zoom and turn on their video when joining the Zoom meetings. Throughout the Zoom meetings they are not allowed to use a virtual background. Please stay in the Waiting Room and wait for the invigilator to admit you to the Invigilation Session Zoom meeting. Students failing to do so may not be allowed to sit the exam. In case they cannot join the Invigilation Session Zoom meeting by, say, 20 minutes before the start of the exam, students should send an email to the enquiry email account of the exam for help AND contact the course offering department, Examinations Office or OLEXHELP immediately. Students shall not leave the two Zoom meetings.

For the courses using OLEX, the password-protected exam paper will be ready for downloading 10 minutes before the scheduled start time of the exam, and the password for unlocking the exam paper will be displayed at the start time.

For the courses using OLEX-Moodle, students can click on the button “Go to Moodle” to access the OLEX-Moodle page 10 minutes before the scheduled start time of the exam.  The Quiz and exam paper of Moodle Assignment will only be viewed and downloaded when exam starts.

Please try to use another browser. If you are still unable to download the exam paper, please relate your difficulty to the invigilator by using the Chat function of the Invigilation Session.

The exam will start automatically at the scheduled start time and there will be no time reminder during the exam. At the end of the exam, the invigilator will make the “Time-is-up announcement” verbally and in writing and you must stop working when you are instructed to do so. Students violating this instruction may be subject to disciplinary action.

Students are allowed to raise questions regarding the exam paper during the first 30 minutes of the exam via the Chat function in the Invigilation Session Zoom meeting. All questions should be addressed only to the invigilator, not to everyone. Any special announcement related to the question paper will be made by the invigilators via Zoom verbally and in writing in the form of Chat messages.

If you wish to go to washroom, please obtain explicit permission from the invigilator before you leave your seat by raising your request via Zoom Chat. Again, your request should be addressed only to the invigilator, not to everyone. You should not bring your mobile phone or any communication device with you as this is regarded as breaching the exam regulations.

Please retry to participate in the two Zoom meetings, and report the problem to olexhelp@hku.hk and the invigilator via the Chat function of the Invigilation session immediately if the problem continues. If the problem remains unsolved, record the remainder of your exam with another device (e.g. a mobile phone) and send the video to the examiner after the exam by uploading the video to OneDrive or Google Drive. Share the link(s) to the “submit” page at OLEX.

No, you have to stay with the 2 Zoom meetings until the end of grace period of the scheduled examinations.

Please try to use another browser. If you still cannot upload your script file, please record the problem you encountered (for instance by video or screen capture) and file your difficulty by email to olexhelp@hku.hk and the enquiry email address of your course. Please note that the size of your answer file shall not exceed 20MB (OLEX-Moodle) / 30MB (OLEX).

Option 1: Use mobile apps, like Cam Scanner or Microsoft Lens, to scan the materials that need to be uploaded for submission which can be saved as a PDF file.

Option 2: Take a photo of the materials that need to be uploaded.  Choose a lower size format (but needs to ensure the quality is clear) as the maximum file size of submission is 20MB (OLEX-Moodle) / 30MB (OLEX).  Then insert that file into a WORD file or ZIP file (together with other files that have to be submitted).  Students can only submit ONE file for OLEX for up to 3 times.

Option 3: Use a scanner to scan the hand-written answers or drawings into a PDF file. However, the scanner has to be placed at somewhere captured by the camera of the laptop (first device) or mobile phone (second device).

Students can convert the WORD document into a PDF or ZIP file to reduce the file size. If the examiners did not authorize the use of PDF or Zip file before the exam, please send an email to the enquiry email address of the course to report the case after upload. If the uploading still takes too long and the student is unable to upload the answer file by the end of the submission period, record the problem you encountered (for instance by video or screen capture) and file your difficulty by email to the enquiry email address of your course immediately. The Examinations Office and the Faculty Office may invite the student to submit the record in cases of real difficulty.

For the courses using OLEX, after a student finishes uploading the answer file, an acknowledgement will be displayed on the webpage and an acknowledgement email will be sent to the students’ official HKU email and non-HKU email addresses for OLEX. Please double check the property of the submitted file (particularly the filename and file size) stated in the email to confirm the submission. For the courses using OLEX-Moodle, a student can click on the file he/she submitted to the Moodle Assignment and verify if the file has been uploaded successfully.


For OLEX, students are allowed to resubmit their answer file (uploading can be done a maximum 3 times, each within 30 MB) within the grace period after the end of the exam. All 3 attempts will be kept on the OLEX system and which version to mark is the sole decision of course teacher.

For OLEX-Moodle, students are allowed to resubmit their answer files before the end of the exam.

For OLEX, students can submit their answer file in a WORD/PDF/ZIP file as instructed by the examiner. The maximum file size is 30MB.

There is no file format restriction on OLEX-Moodle. Please follow the examiner’s instruction on the acceptable file formats. The maximum file submission size on OLEX-Moodle is 20MB.

No. HKU has secured a leased line that will enable these students to connect directly to an HKU server for online exams. We will therefore be able to conduct all online exams through OLEX.

To test and confirm your video camera is working properly, please kindly refer to the guide at https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/201362313-How-Do-I-Test-My-Video.

No, you are not allowed to do so.  You have to use your laptop with “Desktop-sharing session” to check with the online materials to make sure your screens are under invigilation.

One zoom account can sign in one computer Zoom client and one mobile Zoom client only. You cannot sign in two computers at the same time.  Therefore, it is suggested to prepare a tablet or another mobile phone to act as the second device.

Using social media during exam is not allowed. (Another reason is that the file may be post-processed via File transfer in social media applications.) You may use email or the cloud storage, like OneDrive or Google Drive, to transfer files.