New Features of Attendance@HKU

Attendance@HKU is available for use by departments in taking attendance online at classes or events in centrally-timetabled classrooms and some departmental rooms or laboratories with the enabling devices installed.  Attendees will only need to open the app at the venue during the class/event and attendance will be automatically recorded.  Administrative functions are also available for departmental administrators to extract the attendance records handily.

ITS keeps on enhancing the functionalities of the app and recently added the following new features:

  1. Event with multiple venues – administrators are allowed to select multiple venues for a class or an event.
  2. Manual check-in/check-out after the end of events/classes – administrators are able to perform manual check-in/check-out for attendees after the end of the events or classes. The manual check-in/check-out details will be recorded and displayed on the Attendance Records page and Excel report.
  3. Event recurrence – administrators are able to repeat an event with a few clicks.
  4. Identifying users with guest login – allow guests/non-registered attendees to enter their name to identify themselves.

These new features will be launched on 15 August 2022.

Two briefing sessions will be held on 11 and 18 August 2022, respectively. Participants who join the briefing will have more understanding of these new features and learn how to adapt these new functions to their classes and events.  For registration details, please find it here.

Departments interested in using this service in their premises can apply through CF88 for enabling the setup in their rooms.  To apply for administrator right of Attendance@HKU of your own department, please fill in CF125a.  For more information about this service, please click here.