1. IT Services Consultative Advisory Meeting
An IT Services Consultative Advisory Meeting (ITSCAM) is set up to ensure regular communication with faculties and student representatives. As a service function of ITS, the ITSCAM will engage academic colleagues and students for input on the provision of services and developments relating to research, teaching and learning. The Terms of Reference of ITSCAM is available here.
2. Business Partnering
Through the Business Partnering arrangement, designated Account Managers are assigned to the ten faculties and some professional services offices. With this bilateral communication channel established, ITS aims at aligning the business needs of the University with the central IT strategy through better understanding of departments’ needs and feedback as well as enhanced communication with them on the latest central IT developments.
3. PC and Network Coordination Group
Departmental PC/Network Support Coordination Group is a consortiums of colleagues who are supporting PC and network matters at department level. The Group is set up to foster better information sharing and exchange of experience on good practices, know-how and commonly encountered problems on PC and network support. Workshops on the latest IT developments and modern technologies will be organized for Group.
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