The HKU Event Calendar facilitates staff and students to opt-in University events of interest that can synchronize with personal calendars such as Google or Outlook calendar. Users can choose the events to add by event categories such as lecture/tutorial/examination timetables, University holidays, pay days, registered events at HKU Event Management System (HKUEMS), etc.
Staff approvers in departments can also view a personalized list of approval applications displayed in calendar view through the Department Approval Desk (DAD) of HKU Event Calendar. They can catch a glimpse of the “to-approve” list by day and directly access the respective systems to indicate their approvals through the quick links provided. The current list of applications that are covered under the DAD can be found here.
Get Started
Complete CF89 to apply for submitter and approver right for inputting events into the HKU Event Calendar as a channel to publicize their events.