Export all structural meeting documents (Convene)

Export all structural meeting documents with agenda plus meeting annotation in sequence (HKU Paperless Meeting System (Convene))

Export Meeting Pack and ISDM

  1. In Meeting Info, click “Export/Send Meeting Pack” .
  2. Select what is to be included in the exported meeting pack.
  3. Click the “Export” button to confirm.
  4. After exporting the Meeting Pack, meeting organizer can upload the file(s) to DDAS SharePoint for permanent storage based on the University-wide Information Security and Data Management Policy.

Send Meeting Pack

  1. In Meeting Info, click “Export/Send Meeting Pack”.
  2. Click the “Send” tab.
  3. Select what is to be included in the exported meeting pack.
  4. Click the “Send” button to send the exported meeting pack to participants.