User Guide on Submission of Bulk Email in HTML format – Tips

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1. How can I insert image into a message?

  1. Click “Insert Image” button on toolbar.


  2. A window for “Insert/edit image” is shown. Enter Image Address/URL of your image into the “Source” field.


  3. Alternatively, you can insert an image from your PC, by clicking “Upload” button in the window, as circled in green color and drag the image file in the red-circled area shown below.

    NOTE: The file size of the image can’t exceed 600KB.


  4. Click “Save” when the image has been inserted into the box.
    NOTE: In order to provide information to user with disabilities, please input the desciption for your images.


2. Why don't email programs show images properly in bulk email?

  1. For security reason, some email reading programs may not show images in email immediately after the email is displayed. Usually, the programs prompt users for confirmation before showing the images. The following is an example when Microsoft Outlook shows an email with images. Microsoft Outlook cannot show the images properly, and it prompts user to click a message before downloading the images (pictures).
