Integration of Microsoft Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) for HKU VPN Service

Integration of Microsoft Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) for HKU VPN Service

We are pleased to announce the upcoming integration of Microsoft Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) with our VPN services at HKU, effective from 23 August 2024. This initiative is part of our continued efforts to enhance the security and efficiency of your digital experience at HKU. 

What is Changing? 
Starting 23 August 2024, Microsoft MFA will be available as a new, more secure option for VPN access. This enhancement allows you to choose from two robust authentication methods: 

Microsoft Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA): This advanced method provides an integrated security experience. To use MFA, log in with your credentials using either or, followed by your password and a one-time passcode generated by the Microsoft Authenticator App. 

Existing Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): While you can continue to use the current 2FA system, which involves entering your UID and password followed by a one-time passcode from your FortiToken, please be aware that this method will be gradually phased out and eventually retired in the coming months. 

Key difference: Please note that the difference between MFA and 2FA is that MFA requires you to enter your UID with the or suffix, while 2FA only requires your UID without the suffix. 

Why Transition to MFA? 
The transition to Microsoft MFA offers enhanced security features that are crucial in protecting your digital identity and data. As the 2FA system is scheduled for retirement, transitioning to MFA as soon as possible is strongly advised to ensure uninterrupted and secure access to VPN services. 

Need Assistance or Have Questions? 
For any questions or feedback, please contact us at 

Thank you for your attention and cooperation.