Step of install PaperCut Follow You Print to Windows OS

  1. Install Follow You Print Printer Driver

    Download the uPrint Follow You Print Printer Driver here

    Unzip the file and double click “Setup.bat”

    Unzip the file and double click “Setup.bat”

  2. If the following window pops up asking for approval for driver installation, click “Yes”.

    A command prompt will be shown while the driver is being installed. (Note: It may take a while for the installation to complete and the window will be prompted several times.)

    If the following window pops up asking for approval for driver installation, click “Yes”.

    A command prompt will be shown while the driver is being installed. (Note: It may take a while for the installation to complete and the window will be prompted several times.)

  3. If the following window pops up asking for installation, please restart the computer.

    If the following window pops up asking for installation, please restart the computer.

  4. After will deployed two PaperCut uPrint follow you print printer

    After will deployed two PaperCut uPrint follow you print printer