Software Asset Management (SAM)

Software Asset Management (SAM) is to enforce the proper management and use of computer software. It is also to ensure the only properly licensed software is installed and used in the university.

To enforce the intellectual property protection on software asset, all HKU faculties/departments/centres/units have to comply with the Copyright Ordinance for ensuring the legitimate use of computer software.

ITS has implemented a SAM system to facilitate departments in monitoring their software licenses acquired.

All departments can now use this tool

  1. to track software inventory records;
  2. to identify software installed in individual PCs;
  3. to eliminate the risk of using unlicensed software; and
  4. to minimize over spend on software licenses.

The SAM System supports Microsoft Windows operating system platforms on endpoints, such as Windows 8.1, Windows 10 and Windows 11. 

Download Installation Package for PC

  1. Please login HKU Portal
  2. Go to Main Menu > Campus Information Services > Central IT Services > Download SAM Agent

*** For general users on installing the SAM agent in your PCs, please consult the SAM coordinator in your department.


Departments can refer to the Guidance Note on Prevention of End-User Piracy in Business published by the Intellectual Property Department for more details.

For the details of Copyright Ordinance, please find it at the website of the Intellectual Property Department