(A) VM subscription services
What is ITS Cloud VM service?
ITS Cloud VM rental services is a private cloud Virtual Machine (VM) facility for subscription by HKU departments. This is a readily available provision to facilitate departments to acquire server facilities without the need to order, set up and maintain a physical server on their own
Why choose ITS Cloud VM?
• High service availability with auto-recovery in case of hardware failure with availability SLA (Service Level Agreement) of 99.5%
• Highly flexible and configurable to meet on-demand requests
• Short delivery lead-time
• Lower total cost of ownership compared with physical server acquisition
• Private and secure cloud facility
• Comply with security requirements of the University with regular vulnerability scanning
• Operating in an industry-standard data centre located in HKU campus
• Different packaged options available for selection
• Flexible subscription periods
What are the VM package options and services available?
Size: Small/Medium/Large VM package with on request additional resources
Operating system: Windows 64-bit / Linux 64-bit
Subscription period: 1 month / 6 months / 12 months
Backup schedule: Weekly
Charge on network traffic: None
What is “Departmental Free VM package”?
ONE VM (Virtual Machine) server with dual virtual CPU, 4GB memory, 100GB disk storage (thereafter as “Departmental Free VM package”) can be requested for each department through central funding. This “Departmental Free VM package” server should be NEW private Cloud VM server request AFTER 1st January 2019. The approval process of this new VM request must involve the department head or his/her delegates of applicant’s department.
(B) Central File Storage services (f1.hku.hk)
What is Central File Storage Service?
• It is offered as a general-purpose file sharing system for use by HKU departments within HKU campus network. The network shared drive supports either CIFS protocol or NFS protocol.
• Each HKU department can apply for an initial 100GB free storage space. • More information can be found at CF-158i.