How to enquire/cancel a print job?

To check your submitted print jobs

  1. Visit enquiry page within HKU campus network.  For WiFi connection, please use the SSID “HKU”.
  2. Login with your HKU Portal ID and PIN and click “Enquiry (Purchase & Print History)”.
  3. uprint_check01
  4. You can see your list of submitted print jobs that are pending to print.
  5. uPrint_check02

To cancel a print job

  1. Go to a uPrint printer (b/w printer for b/w print jobs and color printer for color print jobs). Tap “Printing“. Select the job you wish to remove and tap the “Remove” button or “Remove All” button if you wish to remove all submitted jobs.
  2. uPrint_cancel01

Note: If you do not retrieve your print job and print within 24 hours after submission, your print jobs will be removed automatically.removed automatically.