
Turnitin – The Plagiarism Checker for AI writing

…links below for registration and more information! AI: friend or foe? Register to watch recording ASCILITE: Evolving Education Landscape: Perspectives on the impact of Artificial Intelligence on Education Date and Time:…

Installation Guide of Sophos Home

Registration Create a Sophos Home account Uninstall any anti-virus software on your computer Install Sophos Home Windows Mac Registration Visit, enter your HKU email account ( (for staff) or…

Foxit PDF Editor Installation Guide

Windows Mac Windows Register to use Foxit PDF Editor via the online registration form. You will receive an email confirmation with the download link of the installer and license key….

Microsoft Azure for Students

…are required to use their email for registration and identity verification. c. The Azure for Students offer is limited to one per eligible student, is non-transferable, and cannot be…

Amazon Web Services (AWS) Educate

…Board for receiving hiring information from renowned technology and Cloud-related companies. Registration Procedure Students can register for using the AWS Educate Program. The account registration procedure can be found here….

replace Sophos

Update Your Sophos Installation NOW

…the Sophos anti-virus solution, please install the new product called Sophos Home Commercial Edition. Please do a one-time registration and follow the procedure here to complete the installation. The existing…

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