Quick Links
Tutorial Sign-up Application (for Student)
Access “Tutorial Sign-up” via iOS app and Android app of mobile device
How to download to iOS and Android app of Tutorial Sign-up
For iOS:
- Open App Store from the iOS device’s home screen.
- Use the Search function and search for HKU Tutorial Sign-up.
- Click to install the Tutorial Sign-up app.
For Android:
- Open Google Play Store app from the Android device’s home screen.
- Use the Search function and search for HKU Tutorial Sign-up.
- Click to install the Tutorial Sign-up app.
How to use the Tutorial Sign-up app
- Click the Tutorial Sign-up app icon to open the Tutorial Sign-up app.
- Once the Tutorial Sign-up app is opened, you will see a list of your enrolled courses. If there are tutorial groups for the course, you may click the “Register” button to choose the tutorial group.
- You can select to logout the app in the menu bar.
Access “Tutorial Sign-up” via “My eLearning” tab of HKU Portal
- Access Tutorial Sign-up application via the hyperlink in “My eLearning” of HKU Portal.
- List of tutorial groups of a course for selection.
- Description the data items in a tutorial group.
- Log out to quit the application.