Tutorial Sign-up Application

Quick Links

Tutorial Sign-up Application (for Student)

Access “Tutorial Sign-up” via iOS app and Android app of mobile device

How to download to iOS and Android app of Tutorial Sign-up

For iOS:

  1. Open App Store from the iOS device’s home screen.

  2. Use the Search function and search for HKU Tutorial Sign-up.

  3. Click to install the Tutorial Sign-up app.

For Android:

  1. Open Google Play Store app from the Android device’s home screen.

  2. Use the Search function and search for HKU Tutorial Sign-up.


  3. Click to install the Tutorial Sign-up app.

How to use the Tutorial Sign-up app

  1. Click the Tutorial Sign-up app icon to open the Tutorial Sign-up app.

  2. Once the Tutorial Sign-up app is opened, you will see a list of your enrolled courses. If there are tutorial groups for the course, you may click the “Register” button to choose the tutorial group.

  3. You can select to logout the app in the menu bar.

Access “Tutorial Sign-up” via “My eLearning” tab of HKU Portal

  1. Access Tutorial Sign-up application via the hyperlink in “My eLearning” of HKU Portal.


  2. List of tutorial groups of a course for selection.
  3. Description the data items in a tutorial group.
  4. Log out to quit the application.