Access to IT Services by Graduands of the Class of 2023

Graduands of the Class of 2023 can access the following central IT services available to them until 31 August 2024.  The connection procedures are the same as students.  They can use these services by making use of their Graduate Email Accounts (i.e. HKU Portal UID and PIN of student accounts if the PIN is not changed).

ServicesAccess by
Chi Wah Learning Commons (CWLC)HKU Student Card (if lost, please complete this form and return to the Academic Services Office as indicated on the form)
Study rooms in CWLC
  1. Login using your HKU Connect graduate email account.
  2. For using the study rooms in CWLC, please book here.
  3. For HKUVPN connection, please check for the 2FA one-time token code sent to your registered alternate email address.
  4. The quota balance of uPrint, if any, can be used until 9 pm of 31 August 2024. For Class of 2023 belonging to the Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Law with printing units allocated by the Faculty, they can use the allocated units until 31 August 2023.
uPrint in CWLC