Add a Turnitin Assignment 2

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Turnitin is a plagiarism checking tool. Teachers can create a Turnitin assignment on Moodle to collect students’ submissions.

Create a Turnitin assignment on Moodle

1. Go to the course which you want to edit and switch on the “Edit Mode” to enable editing.

2. Go to the topic where you want to create the assignment. Click “Add an activity…” and select “Turnitin Assignment 2“.

3. Fill in the General information about the Turnitin assignment including Assignment Name, Summary, Submission Type and Number of Parts, etc.

4. Fill in other information about the assignment includes the following.



Maximum grade

The grade for the assignment is specified here. Choosing a number will become the maximum grade for this assignment. If you will not be giving a grade for the assignment, choose “None” under “Grade type”.


Assignment start date/ due date/ post date

1. Start date: the earliest time that a student can submit the paper to the Turnitin assignment.


2. Due date: the due date of the Turnitin assignment.


3. Post date: the date when the grade/comments will be released to students.




 Allow Submissions after the Due Date

If set to “Yes“, it means students NOT yet submitted are allowed to submit work after the due date. Late submission will be marked as being late and the submission date and time will be recorded in red.


 Report Generation Waiting Time

1. Generate reports immediately (students cannot resubmit) – Students cannot resubmit the papers, the report will be generated immediately after students have submitted their papers.


2. Generate reports immediately (students can resubmit until due date): After 3 resubmissions, reports generate after 24 hours – The report is generated immediately, except for the fourth or later submission where the report will be generated after 24 hours. Students are allowed to resubmit the papers before the due date. Teachers can view the latest submission, and resubmissions are not allowed after the due date.

3. Generate reports on due date (resubmissions are allowed until due date) – The submissions are generated on the due date. Resubmissions are allowed before the due date.


 GradeMark Options- Attach a rubric to this assignment 

Teacher can attach a rubric to the assignment. 

(Note: students will be able to view attached rubrics and their content prior to submission.) 



5. After filling in necessary information, click “Save and display” to save the settings. 


Collect students’ submissions

1. Click on the Turnitin assignment link in the Moodle course.


2. You can collect students’ submissions under “Submission Inbox” tab.




3. If you want to download the submission from a student, please click “Download” button next to the student’s submission.



4. If you want to download all submissions in this assignment, check the boxes next to students’ submissions and click “Download” to download the zip file.





Teacher can add PeerMark assignment to a Turnitin assignment for peer assessment.


1. To add a PeerMark assignment to a Turnitin assignment, click “PeerMark” button on assignment page, and click “+” button to create one.



2. Add instructions, dates in the PeerMark assignment settings page, and click “Save & Continue”.


3. You will be leaded to PeerMark Questions tab. Click “Add Question” button to add PeerMark questions.


4. You can assign students to review another student’s paper under “Distribution” tab.


5. To remove the student from PeerMark assignment, click ““ icon next to the student’s name. To force a student to review another student’s paper, click “+“ icon next to the student’s name and select a student from the list.
