Backup & Restore

Reminder: Please Do NOT import Turnitin Assignments. Turnitin Assignments must be manually created for each course.

Back up My Moodle course

  1. Access the course which you want to make a backup.
  2. In the “Course administration” on the left-hand side under “Administration”, click “Backup”.
  3. You can configure the backup settings (1. Initial settings). Select item(s) you wish to backup. After finishing the selection, click “Next”.
  4. After that you will enter into the schema settings page (2. Schema settings), select the topics/resources/activities you would like to backup and whether include the user data for each topic/resource/activity. Click “Next” to go to the next step.
  5. In the next page (3. Confirmation and review), you can set the file name of your backup file and review the settings you have done for the course backup. Click “Perform backup” to perform the back up (4. Perform backup).
  6. Click “Continue” to see the result of the backup process.
  7. You can Download and Restore the backup file by clicking button next to each backup file.

Restore My Moodle course

    1. Access the course which you want to restore.
    2. In the “Course administration” on the left-hand side under “Administration”, click “Restore”.                                                                                                                                                                                                   
    3. In the restore webpage, you can
      • Method 1: Click “Restore” next to each backup file to restore the backup course.
      • Method 2: Click the “Choose a file”, then a “file picker” window will appear.upload_backup_file

        • In the file picker window, select “Upload a file” on the left-hand column.

        • Click “Choose File” to select your local backup file (xxxx.mbz).

        • Click “Upload this file” after you finish the selection of your local pc backup file.

        • After finishing the uploading process, Click the “Restore”.

    4. After finish step 3, you will redirect to start the restore process. In this page (1. Confirm), you can check the detail of the backup file you want to restore. Click “Continue” to go to the next step.
    5. In the next page (2. Destination), select “Merge the backup course into this course” and then click “Continue”.

      *Do not select “Delete the contents of the course and then restore”, otherwise, all user data will also be deleted, including all teacher access.

    6. Set the information you want to restore in this page (3. Settings), then click “Next”.
    7. In this page (4. Schema), you can configure the course settings including course name, course short name and the topics, then click “Next”.
    8. Check and confirm the information of the restore process (5. Review). Click “Perform restore” to restore the course (6. Process).
    9. Completion of restore process will be shown (7. Complete).