Before using “Group Choice” function, teacher should create groups on the Moodle course first.
- Go to the course homepage. Click “Users” on the right pane under the Administration block.
- Click “Groups“.
- Click “Create group” button.
- Enter the group name, the group name will be shown as the option on “Group Choice” function.
Create a ‘Group Choice’ activity in your Moodle course
- Go to the course homepage and switch on the “Edit Mode” on the top right corner.
- Go to the topic where you want to create the ‘Group Choice‘ activity. Click “Add an activity or resource” and select “Group Choice“.
Fill in the information of the ‘Group Choice’ activity
- Fill in the “Group choice name” and “Description“.
- Under Miscellaneous settings,
Allow enrollment to multiple groups. If the box is checked, students can select multiple groups.Item Explanation Allow enrollment to multiple groups If the box is checked, students can select multiple groups. Publish results/ Privacy of results Teacher can select if the choice result can be shown to students. Allow choice to be updated Teacher can select if students can update their choice. Show column for unanswered Teacher can select if “Unanswered” column will be shown on the result page (so that teacher will know which students did not select any groups in this activity) Filter out response data for users with expired or suspended enrolments Teacher can choose to exclude response of students with expired/suspended status Limit the number of responses
allowed/ General limitationTeacher can limit the number of students that can select each choice option. If teacher enabled this function, teacher can enter a number under General limitation and click Apply to all groups to limit the size of the groups. - Under Groups section, select the groups which you want to let students to choose under Available Groups, and click “Add Groups“.
- If you want to limit the group size, you can enable “Limit the number of responses allowed” under the Miscellaneous settings.
(For the example below, I entered “10” in the box so that only 10 students can select this group) - Under Restrict answering to this time period, if you enabled this function, students can only make their choice between this period of time.
- Click “Save and return to course” at the end of the page to save the settings.