My eLearning @ HKU Portal

“My eLearning” is created for the convenience of both teaching staff and students to access the Learning Management System through HKU Portal. In the “My eLearning”, teachers can access and manage their Moodle courses, if any. Students can also access their online Moodle courses in the page.

Access my Moodle courses

Teachers can access their Moodle courses through HKU Portal.


  1. Login HKU Portal at
  2. Select “My eLearning” on the left-hand side under “My Services”.
  3. Access your Moodle courses. (The list of Moodle courses is created based on the information from the Student Information System (SIS))

    • You can set the Moodle course available to students by clicking “Enable for student access(1).

    • You can access to manage a Moodle course by clicking the Moodle course title hyperlink (2).

    • You can grant access to Students/Teachers/TAs/Guests by clicking the icons (3) next to each course in the courses list, if any.

    • You can send email to class by clicking the icons (4).


Grant access to Students for my Moodle course

To add students

If the Moodle course is created automatically according to SIS information, the class of students should be automatically added to the Moodle course.

If the Moodle course is manually created by filling form, teacher can follow the steps to grant student access to the Moodle course.

  1. Click the “Grant Student access” icon student[1] next to the Moodle course.
  2. Select one type of student group:

    • For course Code, enter the course Code, e.g. BUSI1001, and optionally, the semester, e.g. A

    • For faculty/Year, enter the faculty and year, e.g. Education, Year 1

    • For curriculum/Year, enter faculty, curriculum – code and year, e.g. Science, BSc – 03, Year 1

  3. Click “Submit” to submit your request.
  4. Click “Add new group” to add additional student groups. The new group must be of the same type as the existing student groups of the course.

To remove students

Next to an active student group, click the button “Remove”.

Grant access to Teachers for my Moodle courses

Teachers of a Moodle course can manage the course contents as well as granting rights to students, other teachers and also guests.

To add a teacher/TA

  1. Click the “Grant Teacher accessteacher[1]  icon next to the Moodle course.
  2. Click “Add new teacher/ Add new teaching assistant”.
  3. Enter the teacher’s/teaching assistant’s UID.
  4. Click “Add” to submit your request.
  5. The teacher/TA account will have the status of “To be added”. Once the teacher/TA account is created, a notification email will be sent to the contact email address of the Moodle course.

To remove a teacher/TA

Next to the teacher, click the button “Remove”.