Restrict availability to resources

Types of conditional activities

Under the “Restrict access” setting of any activities, conditional activities allow teachers to restrict the availability of any activity.

By dates

Access from/to dates determine when students can access the activity via a link on the course page.

By grade condition

This setting determines any grade conditions which must be met in order to access the activity.

By activity completion

If enabled, activity completion is tracked, either manually or automatically, based on certain conditions.

A tick next to the activity name on the course page indicates when the activity has been completed.

Completion tracking

There are three options:

  • Do not indicate activity completion – this will not show checks (ticks) next to the activity;
  • Students can manually mark the activity as completed – students press the check (tick) to change it. (Note: they can do this even without doing the activity!)
  • Show activity as complete when conditions are met – the selected completion criteria must be met before the check (tick) will change style.

Require view

When this option is turned on, students have to view the activity in order to complete it.

  • In most cases, clicking the link is enough to ‘view’ the activity.
  • You should usually not turn on the ‘view’ condition if you have other requirements – this makes extra work for the server and it’s unlikely that a student could meet any other conditions without viewing the activity.

Require grade

When this option is turned on, students have to get a grade on the activity in order to complete it. For example, a quiz would be marked completed as soon as the user submits it.

It does not matter how well the student did. Getting any grade will mark the activity completed.

Require posts

This setting is seen in forums. For the forum to be classed as “complete” the student must either start a discussion or reply to a discussion. The number of posts they must make can be specified in the box.

Require discussions

This setting is seen in forums. For the forum to be classed as “complete”, the student must start a discussion topic. The number of posts they must make can be specified in the box.

Require replies

This setting is seen in forums. For the forum to be classed as “complete” the student must reply to a discussion. The number of posts they must make can be specified in the box.