Share files in OneDrive and link to Moodle

The maximum file size accepted in Moodle platform is 300MB per file. If you wish to share large files in Moodle platform, the easiest way is to upload your files to OneDrive and share the file link to your students in Moodle.

Upload a file to OneDrive

  1. Log in your OneDrive account at with your HKU Portal UID ( and PIN.
  2. Click “Upload” and select “Files” to upload file to your OneDrive account.


  3. Select the file from your local computer and click “Open”.
  4. The file is successfully upload to your OneDrive.

Create sharable link in OneDrive

There are 4 levels of sharing access in OneDrive:


  • Anyone with the link: gives access to anyone who receives this link, whether they receive it directly from you or forwarded from someone else. This may include people outside of your organization.
  • People in The University of Hong Kong with the link: gives anyone in The University of Hong Kong who has the link can access to the file, whether they receive it directly from you or forwarded from someone else. (Note: Under the Microsoft Office 365 settings, “The University of Hong Kong” here refers to the group of HKU STAFF only or group of HKU STUDENTS only. HKU staff and students are belonging to two different “organizations”.  Students are outside the staff organization and vice versa.)
  • People with existing access: can be used by people who already have access to the document or folder. It does not change the permissions on the item. Use this if you just want to send a link to somebody who already has access.
  • Specific people: gives access only to the people you specify, although other people may already have access. If people forward the sharing invitation, only people who already have access to the item will be able to use the link.

There are also 4 levels of permission:


  • Can edit: allows the recipient to make changes to the file or folder.
  • Can review: allows the recipient to make suggestions of changes only.
  • Can view: allows the recipient to only view the file or folder; they cannot make changes to it. This can be further restricted by selecting the option to Block download, which means they cannot save a local copy.
  • Can’t download: allows the recipient to view online and s/he cannot download a copy.

To create a link:

  1. Click “Share” icon to create a sharable link for the file.4_share_file[1]
  2. A window will appear and you can set your sharing preferences. Click “Anyone with the link can edit” to start choosing your options.
  3.  If teacher would like to share files among students, it is suggested to share the link with “Anyone with the link” and set the expiration date. However, please note that anyone with the link can access to the file, whether they receive it directly from you or forwarded from someone else. You can also choose if you allow the recipients to edit/download the file.
  4. After confirmed the sharing settings, click “Copy link” icon to copy the share URL link.

Share the file link in Moodle

  1. Go to the Moodle course page and switch on the “Edit Mode” to enable the editing.
  2. Click “Add an activity or resource” on the course content page.

    Add an activity or resources

  3. Select “URL” activity.


  4. Enter the name of the URL and paste the copied link under “External URL”.


  5. Click “Save and Return to course” to save the settings.