Topic summary / Text and media area

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Topic summary

In a Moodle course, course contents are organized into sections. The first section is General section, which appears in all Moodle courses. It is then followed by 1 to 52 sections as defined in the course setting. Each section corresponds to a topic or a week, depending on the course format. Section summary is a short description about its section. It is placed just below the section name.

To edit section summary in the course home page

  1. Click “Turn editing on” if you have not already done so.
  2. Click the edit icon Editnext to the section (Topic/Week).
  3. Select “Edit topic” to enter the edit page of section summary.                                                                           Option for Edit
  4. Input content in the summary box.
  5. Click “Save Changes“.

Text and media area

Text and media area provide an easy way to put additional information or descriptions anywhere within a section. They may also be placeholders for images to be shown directly on the course home page.

To add a Text and media area in a section

  1. Click “Turn editing on” if you have not already done so.
  2. Click “Add an activity or resource” and select “Text and media area”.                 Text and Media 
  3. Enter and format text in the WYSIWYG editor.

  4. Add a link to the text by highlighting the text, and then clicking Insert/edit link button. Enter the URL in the pop-up window and then press “Create link”
  5. Add an image by clicking Insert/edit image button. In the pop-up window, Enter the image URL, or click “Browse repositories…” to upload a file from your computer. Click “Save image” for saving the file.
    Add image
  6. Click “Save and return to course” to add text or media in a section.