Teachers can use attendance function to take attendance during class. Students can view their own attendance record in the Moodle platform.
Create an attendance on Moodle
- Click “Turn editing on” button on the course site.
- Click “Add an activity or resource”.
- Select “Attendance”.
Edit settings
- Enter the name of the attendance. Teachers can set the maximum grade of the attendance and also the grade to pass.
- Select the group mode under “Common module settings”.
- No groups – There are no sub groups, everyone is part of one big community.
- Separate groups – Each group member can only see their own group, others are invisible.
- Visible groups – Each group member works in their own group, but can also see other groups.
- Click “Save and display” button at the end of the page to save the settings.
Add session
- Click “Add session” button to add session to attendance, information on Date and Time.
- Under “Multiple sessions”, please enable “Repeat the session above as follows” and select the session days and frequency if applicable.
- Click “Add” at the end of the page.
Take attendance for the course
- Click “Take attendance” icon.
- Take the attendance for the student by selecting “P”/ “L”/ “E” or “A”, by default, they are stand for “Present“, “Late“, “Excused“, and “Absent“.
- Click “Save and show next page” to save.