I registered for a Zoom account with my HKU email address before. When I login to https://hku.zoom.us, I receive the following emails. What should I do?

  1. Staff and students who registered a free/paid Zoom account using their HKU email address before may see the following message after they login to https://hku.zoom.us.
  2. Something went wrong while you tried signing in with SSO

  3. They will receive an account invitation email from Zoom (see sample below). If they confirm to switch their Zoom account under HKU’s master account on Zoom, please click the button “Approve the Request”. The indicated email address belong to an ITS colleague who is the owner of the HKU campus license.
  4. Approve the request email

  5. After step 2 is done, they will see the following message. Click “I Acknowledge and Switch”.
  6. Acknowledge and switch to new Zoom account

  7. Upon completion, they will see the following message on successful account switching. They can start using Zoom via https://hku.zoom.us.
  8. Your account has been switched successfully