Installation and Setup Procedures for Office Mobile on Android Phone

1. Introduction

The Office Mobile for Android consists of Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. By installing and setting up Office Mobile and OneNote on your Android phone you can view and edit the Office documents you save to a cloud service such as OneDrive or OneDrive for Business.

2. Prerequisite

Office Mobile for Android, requires an Android phone running Android OS 4.0 or later.

3. Installation and Setup Procedures

Note: Please remove older versions of Office from your mobile devices before your start to install Office Mobile.

You can install Microsoft Office Mobile on Android by the following steps:

  1. You can download and install the Microsoft Office mobile apps from the Google Play Store.
  2. Search the app through Google play store and click “INSTALL” to start the installation.


  3. Swipe through the introduction, and tap “Sign In” before you can use the app.
