Procedure for iOS Device to Access Universities via CSL WiFi

A. Configuration Procedure

  1. Turn on your iOS device.  Tap Settings.
  2. Tap the Wi-Fi button.
  3. cslwifi_iOS_01
  4. When you are located near a CSL WiFi hotspot, make sure WiFi is turned ON.  Select Universities via CSL.
  5. cslwifi_iOS_02 
  6. Enter your username and password.
  7. Username: For staff, please type For students, please type
  8. Password: HKU Portal PIN
  9. cslwifi_iOS_03
  10. Tap Join.
  11. You will be prompted to accept a certificate the first time you make connection. Click Accept to accept GeoTrust Global CA.
  12. cslwifi_iOS_05
  13. You can now use Universities via CSL as your selected network.
  14. cslwifi_iOS_06

B. Security Note

After successful login to Universities via CSL, the HKU Portal UID and PIN will be cached in the device and re-entering the UID/PIN is not required for future connections.  While it is convenient, this can also impose security threat.  For example, when the device is transferred for use by another person.  

To clear cached password, tap Settings Wi-Fi and tap cslwifi_iOS_07 next to Universities via CSL network. Then tap Forget this Network.