Getting Started – Qualtrics

Create your Qualtrics account (to be done once only)

  1. Go to and you will be redirected to HKU Portal login page.
  2. Login using your HKU Portal UID and Portal PIN.

New Qualtrics User

  1. Click No, I don’t have a preexisting account here to proceed.
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  2. Your Qualtrics account will be created. You can click Sign in to login Qualtrics.
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  3. Read Qualtrics’s Terms of Service and click I accept to proceed.
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Existing Qualtrics User

If you have already registered a Qualtrics account using HKU’s affiliation, you can link your Qualtrics account with your HKU Portal account.

  1. Click Yes, I have a preexisting account here to proceed.
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  2. Enter your preexisting Qualtrics account email and password. Then click Verify account.
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  3. Your Qualtrics account will be linked. You can click Sign in to login Qualtrics
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  4. Read Qualtrics’s Terms of Service and click I accept to proceed. You will see all of your existing surveys and data under your newly linked account.
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Login your Qualtrics account

  1. Go to and login using your HKU Portal account.

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  2. You will be logged in to your Qualtrics account.

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About the Projects Page

All Qualtrics sessions begin on the Projects page – a one-stop shop listing all the projects you have created and those that have been shared with you. The Projects page lets you:

  1. Create new projects
  2. Organize, sort, search, and view your projects
  3. Collaborate on projects with colleagues
  4. Identify your projects by their XM type

project page

Creating New Projects

A typical project consists of a survey, a distribution record, responses and reports. To make it easy to create a new project, Qualtrics gives you five options to guide you along. You can start with:

  • Blank Survey Projects.

  • Copies of existing surveys.

  • Solution Templates.

  • Templates in your Survey Library.

  • Exported Qualtrics Survey Format (QSF) files.

The first time you login, you will be prompted to review the Qualtrics Terms of Service and you will see the following screen. To start:

  1. Click Create Project.
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  2. Choose either the Research Core or your desired project category.
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  3. Select from the project creation options such as Blank Survey Project or one of the Solution Templates.

  4. Name your project.
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  5. Click Create Project.

Go to Creating a Project page for step-by-step examples on how to create new projects using any of these options.

Set up Single Sign-On (SSO) Authenticator for a Project (available after 4 May 2020)

Single Sign-On Authenticator can be used to verify respondents’ identity to enable survey owner to limit a survey to be completed by HKU staff and students only (verification is done via HKU Portal account login).

  1. Select the project you need to set up the SSO Authenticator and go to the Survey tab. Click Survey Flow.
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  2. Click Add a New Element Here.
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  3. Click Authenticator.
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  4. Select SSO for Authentication Type.
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  5. Select Shibboleth for SSO Type.
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  6. Tick the checkbox Capture respondent identifying info.
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    Note: Qualtrics’ s survey platform will capture the respondent’s HKU email address, identity (i.e. staff or student) and IP address and make these data accessible to the survey owner. Please ensure the respondents are aware of this before they proceed to complete the survey.
  7. Click Add Embedded Data.
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  8. For the ED field(s) on the left, you can name the field name according to your preference and it will appear in the response data.
    For the user attribute(s) on the right, please use the following format.
    User attributeInformation to be captured
    emailHKU email address
    account_typestaff or student

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  9. Click Add a New Element Here.
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  10. Select Branch.
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  11. Click Add a Condition.
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  12. Set up the condition(s) to suit your needs and click OK to proceed. Below is an example of making a survey accessible by both HKU staff and students.
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  13. Continue to add the element for displaying the question(s) and the End of Survey block. Click Save Flow to finish the setup.
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  14. Test your survey to ensure you have setup the SSO authenticator properly. Respondent will be asked to login their HKU Portal account for identity verification before they proceed to complete the survey.
    Note: SSO authenticator may not function properly with Preview Survey. Please test your survey via the anonymous survey link.

Organizing, Viewing, Searching and Sorting Projects

The Projects page displays practical, at-a-glance information to help you organize, view, monitor, track, and sort through your projects. For example:

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On the far-right of each project name you will see three dots that open the project actions dropdown menu. From there you can Activate, Rename, Copy, Edit, Translate, and Delete your projects and do more other actions.

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Go to the Organizing & Viewing Your Projects page for step-by-step examples of how to get the most value and power out of the Projects page. 

Collaborating On Projects

Collaborating on projects is as easy as clicking Collaborate from the project actions dropdown menu.

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You can collaborate with individuals inside your organization. To begin collaborating, enter a colleague’s email address in the Collaborate popup menu.

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You can refer to the Collaborating on a Project page for details on how to collaborate on projects.

  1. Select the project you need to set up the SSO Authenticator and go to the Survey tab. Click Survey Flow.

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  2. Select the project you need to set up the SSO Authenticator and go to the Survey tab. Click Survey Flow.

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    1. Track any tickets assigned to you or your team by your XM projects.
    2. View and organize projects by folder or category.
    3. Expand or collapse your projects for easy viewing.
    4. Sort your projects by various criteria, such as Project TypeProject Name, or Last Modified.
    5. Search for projects by name.
    6. View metrics summarizing your projects.
      • The project actions dropdown menu’s options.
      • The organization of your folders and categories.
      • The sorting and searching of your projects.