Please send a request to for setting up a department abbreviation and give a suggested abbreviation in not than 5 characters.
If departments want to create email group for staff, department abbreviation will be also setup via CF158. After ITS sets up an abbreviation, the applied email group for staff will be created and the applicant will be informed of the completion by email
The following is a list of department abbreviations that has been set up and please fill out the same abbreviation in CF149 to apply for using the Auto-updated Mailing List (AML):
Department name | Abbreviation |
Architecture Faculty | foa |
Arts Faculty | foart |
Asia Case Research Centre | acrc |
Asia Global Institute | agi |
Business & Economics Faculty | fbe |
Centre for Applied English Studies | caes |
Centre for Genomic Sciences | grc |
Centre for Quantitative History | cqh |
Centre for Sports and Exercise | cse |
Centre of Buddhist Studies | cbs |
Centre on Behavioral Health | cbh |
Centre on Contemporary China & the World | cccw |
Centre for Civil Society and Governance | ccsg |
Clinical Trials Ctr | ctc |
Common Core Office | cco |
Critical Care Medicine Unit, SClinMed | ccmu |
Ctr for Enhance’t of Teaching & Learning | cetl |
Ctr for Information Tech in Education | cite |
Ctr of Dev & Resources for Students | cedar |
Dental Faculty | dent |
Dental Faculty-Central Research Lab | dentx |
Dental Faculty – Clinical Research Ctr | crc |
Dental Faculty – External Relations and | denke |
Dental Faculty – IAD – Multi-Specialty | iadal |
Dept of Anaesthesiology | anaes |
Dept of Architecture | arch |
Dept of Chemistry | chem |
Dept of Emergency Medicine, SClinMed | doem |
Dept of Civil Engineering | civil |
Dept of Computer Science | cs |
Dept of Diagnostic Radiology | diara |
Dept of Earth Sciences | easc |
Dept of Electrical & Electronic Engg | eee |
Dept of Family Med & Primary Care | fmpc |
Dept of Geography | geog |
Dept of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering | imse |
Dept of Law | lawdp |
Dept of Mechanical Engg | mech |
Dept of Medicine | udmed |
Dept of Microbiology | micro |
Dept of Obstetrics & Gynaecology | og |
Dept of Ophthalmology | ophth |
Dept of Orthopaedics & Traumatology | ortho |
Dept of Pathology, SClinMed | patho |
Dept of Pharmacology & Pharmacy | pharm |
Dept of Physics | phys |
Dept of Politics & Public Administration | ppa |
Dept of Prof Legal Education | pcll |
Dept of Psychology | psyc |
Dept of Soc Work & Social Administration | swsa |
Dept of Sociology | soci |
Dept of Statistics & Actuarial Science | saas |
Dept of Surgery | srg |
Dept of Urban Planning & Design | dupad |
Development & Alumni Affairs Office | daao |
Dr. Li Dak-Sum Research Centre | ldsrc |
Education Faculty | faced |
Electron Microscope Unit | emu |
Engineering Faculty | engg |
Equal Opportunity Unit | eou |
Estate Office (Sustainability Unit) | eo |
Estates Off (Budgets and Finance Unit) | eo |
Estates Off (Customer Services Unit) | eo |
Estates Off (Housing Management Unit) | eo |
Estates Off (Information Technology Unit) | eo |
Estates Off (Management) | eo |
Estates Off (Mtce & Operations Unit) | eo |
Estates Off (Procurement Unit) | eo |
Estates Off (Project Division) | eo |
Estates Off (Security & Parking Unit) | eo |
Estates Off (Staffing & OA Unit) | eo |
Estates Office – Res Space (Cus Qtr) | eo |
Finance & Enterprises Office | feo |
General Education Unit | gened |
Graduate School | gsch |
Graduate School of the Research Services | grsc |
HK Institute for Humanities & Soc. Sci. | ihss |
HK Putonghua Edu & Assessment Ctr | peac |
HKU Musketeers Foundation IDS | ids |
HK University Press | hkup |
HKJC Ctr for Suicide Research & Preventn | csrp |
Human Resources Office | hr |
Information Technology Services | its |
Internal Audit Office | iao |
Jao Tsung-I Petite Ecole | jpe |
Jockey Club Student Village III | jcsv3 |
Journalism and Media Studies Centre | jmsc |
JUPAS Office | jupas |
Centre for Comparative Medicine Research | lau |
Law Faculty | law |
Lee Shau Kee Hall | lskh |
LKS Medical Faculty | lksfm |
Mdm SH Ho Residence for Medical Students | rms |
MIU of the President’s Office | miu |
Morrison Hall | mh |
President’s Office | vco |
RC Lee Hall | rclee |
Registry- Academic Supt & Exam Section | ase |
Registry – Curr Dev and QA Section | cdqa |
Registry – Scholarships Office | scho |
Registry (CPAO) | cpao |
Registry (General Services) | gs |
Registry (Research Services) | rss |
Registry – Academic Liaison Office | alo |
Registry – Academic Advising Office | aao |
Registry – Admissions Office | ao |
Research Admin and Development Office | rado |
Restaurant at JockeyClub Stud Village II | jcsv2 |
Robert Black College | rbc |
Safety Office | hkuso |
Sau Po Centre on Ageing | coa |
School of Biological Sciences | sbs |
School of Biomedical Sciences | sbms |
School of Business | busi |
School of Chinese | soc |
School of Chinese Medicine | sclim |
School of Clinical Medicine | scm |
School of Humanities | soh |
School of Modern Languages & Cultures | smlc |
School of Nursing | son |
School of Public Health | sph |
Science Faculty | sci |
Simon KY Lee Hall | skylh |
SMARTER@HKU Programme Management Office | spmo |
Social Sciences Faculty | foss |
Starr Hall | starr |
Suen Chi Sun Hall | scsh |
Sustainability Office | susto |
Swire Hall | swire |
Teaching and Learning Innovation Centre | talic |
The Kadoorie Institute | ki |
The Swire Institute of Marine Science | swims |
University Archives | hkua |
University Health Service | uhs |
University Libraries | lib |
University Museum and Art Gallery | umag |
Wei Lun Hall | wlh |