Procedure to Access Exchange Online Using Thunderbird

  1. Open Thunderbird.
  2. Your full name> enter the name you want it to appear in the From field of your email messagesEmail address > enter your Password > enter your HKU Portal PIN After completion, click Continue. (Optional: Uncheck Remember password if you don’t want Thunderbird to remember your password.)
  3. thunderbird_step02
  4. Select one of the available configurations.

    For IMAP

      1. Click IMAP.
      2. thunderbird_step03-1_a
      3. Click Configure manually and enter the details of incoming server and outgoing server as below.
      4. Click Configure manually and enter the details of incoming server and outgoing server as below.
      5. Click Done
      For POP3
      1. Click POP3.
      2. thunderbird_step03-2_a
      3. Click Configure manually and enter the details of incoming server and outgoing server as below.thunderbird_step03-2_b
      4. Click Done.
      For Exchange/Office365
      1. Click Exchange/Office 365 and Install.
      2. thunderbird_step03-3_a
      3. Enter your HKU Portal UID and PIN. Click Sign In.
      4. thunderbird_step03-3_b
      5. After account is successfully created, click Finish.
      6. thunderbird_step04
  5. Select the appropriate options and click Set as Default.
  6. thunderbird_step05