What is my account name (HKU Portal UID/UID)?

HKU Portal UID (UID) is a unique user identification (user name) for using the central IT services.  These include access to personal and departmental information through “Self Service” (SS) and “Manager Self Service” (MSS), online courses, network services, email, library resources and other online services provided by various departments. 

UID is in the format of 4-8 lower case letters or digits, starts with a lower case letter.  The chosen UID should resemble the user’s name. 

For students: Student’s pre-assigned UID begins with “h” or “u” followed by the 3rd to 9th digit of the HKU student number e.g. “u3001234” for student number 3030012345.  Students can change the pre-assigned UID within 7 days after Master Registration.

For staff: Staff can choose their UID upon application for HKU Portal account.