What is the grace period of computer accounts for leaving staff and which IT services can be used during the grace period?

The grace period of computer accounts for leaving staff is 30 days after the employment contract end date.

Leaving staff can access the following services during the grace period:

  1. HKU email account
  2. HKU WiFi
  3. HKU Virtual Private Network (HKUVPN)
  4. Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)
  5. Moodle
  6. Communal PCs
  7. HKU Portal (limited functions)
  8. Other central/departmental applications that require HKU Portal account to login if a grace period same as HKU Portal account is offered
  9. Functions under Human Capital Management System (HCMS):
  • Pay slip
  • Tax return
  • E-Leaving form
  • Personal and Family Data Form
  • PRSD enquiry

Services not mentioned above will be stopped after employment contract end date.