Adding/Removing Members to the email group account in VPC (For Exchange Online users)
- Launch VPC through the VPC box, or remote VPC access. (Access guide)
- Press the Windows start menu, and type “Group Admin Console”
- Login with your UID and PIN
*If you haven’t apply the account for VPC, you may submit the ITS application form CF85 – Virtual PCs (VPC for Staff)
- Click the search icon
under “groups” and then enter the name of the group account or use the keyword “group-“to search
- Double click on the group account to view the properties.
- This box will display the general information about this group account.
(Remark: You may click [ ownership ] to check the group owner) - If you are the group account owner, click [ membership ] to update membership.
- To add members click [ + ], or select the member to be removed and click [ – ].
- For adding member, search for the member(s) you want to add
Click [ add -> ] button to add them to the list. Repeat the steps to add more members
Click [ OK ] when you have finished adding members.
- Review the member list, if you need to change anything return to Step 5 of adding/removing members. To confirm the changes, click [ Save ].
- Click [ Sign out ] to close of all the other windows to complete.
Note: After adding accounts to the email group, it will take up to 10 hours for the SharePoint permissions assigned via the email group to be effective for the accounts being added. While assigning SharePoint permissions directly to the accounts or adding the accounts to SharePoint groups will be effective immediately.