Procedure to filter IronPort “Spam Quarantine Notification” messages into a folder in Central Email/Calendar Service (HKUCC1)

Important note: This guide show you the way to create filter rule in webmail interface (OWA) and Outlook. You should choose one place to work with your rules and always use the same one. When you edit rules in OWA, it will delete any rules that were previously turned off using Outlook.

Webmail interface (OWA)

* Please use Internet Explorer to perform the setup. Part 1. Create a folder called spam-notification.
  1. On the left pane, right click on your name and select create new folder.
  2. spam-owa1
  3. Type folder name spam-notification.
  4. spam-owa2
  5. Select Settings settings on the top right corner.
  6. Choose Options.
  7. spam-owa3
  8. Go to Organize email, under inbox rules, choose New new.
  9. Select Move messages from someone to a folder.
  10. spam-owa4
  11. In New Inbox Rule window, type Spam Quarantine Notification in the Name field.
  12. spam-owa5
  13. Under When the message arrives, and:, choose it includes these words in the subject.
  14. spam-owa6
  15. Type Spam Quarantine Notification in the field and click Add add. Click OK to continue.
  16. spam-owa7
  17. Choose spam-notification folder and click OK.
  18. spam-owa8
  19. Under Do the followingselect Move the message to folder.
  20. spam-owa9
  21. Click Save to save the rule.
  22. spam-owa10

MS Outlook

  1. Open Outlook 2013.
  2. Right click your account name and choose New Folder….
  3. spam-outlook2
  4. Type spam-notification for the folder name.
  5. Click Rules > Manage Rules & Alerts on the ribbon.
  6. spam-outlook4
  7. Select New Rule….
  8. spam-outlook5
  9. In the Rules Wizard, under Stay Organized section, select Move messages from someone to a folder. Click Next.
  10. spam-outlook6
  11. Under step 1, check two boxes from people or distribution listwith specific words in the subject.
  12. spam-outlook7
  13. Under step 2, click on the “from people and distribution list“. Under Rule Address window, type email address in From field and click OK.
  14. spam-outlook8
  15. Click on the “and with specific words in the subject“. In Search Text window, type Spam Quarantine Notification for the subject and then click Add. Click OK to finish.
  16. spam-outlook9
  17. Click on the “move it to the specified folder“. In Rules and Alerts dialog window, select spam-notification folder and click OK to return to Rule Wizard dialog window.


    Click Next to proceed.


  18. Click Next.
  19. spam-outlook11
  20. Click Next.
  21. spam-outlook12
  22. Specify a name for this rule, type Spam Quarantine Notification.
  23. spam-outlook13
  24. Click Finish to save the rule.