What is the email address, email alias, user name and password of my HKU Connect Graduate Email Account?

Your email address:@connect.hku.hk
Sender email address:@connect.hku.hk
Email alias(1):@connect.hku.hk
User name:HKU Portal UID
Password(2):HKU Portal PIN


(1) To set up an email alias, please visit: https://www.alumni.hku.hk/graduate-email/. For details, refer to here.

(2) Please login HKU Connect email service via https://webmail.hku.hk and select “CONNECT.HKU.HK“. If you are using an older version of email client e.g. Thunderbird, you may be required to change your graduate email account password once (see https://www.its.hku.hk/faq/email/connect/change-pwd for the steps) before connection can be established.